BAC Technology is the official supplier of the FIP – Italian Boxing Federation

BAC Technology è fornitore ufficiale della FIP - Federazione Pugilistica Italiana

August, 01 2019

The FPI – Italian Boxing Federation – announces (click here) that has consolidated the relationship with the Bac Technology Medical Devices company (website: (until the end of the year 2020).

BAC Technology è fornitore ufficiale della FIP - Federazione Pugilistica Italiana 1

BAC Technology è fornitore ufficiale della FIP - Federazione Pugilistica Italiana

The FPI – Italian Boxing Federation – will therefore make use of BAC Technology electromedical devices aimed at recovering from injuries and preserving the full physical efficiency of our athletes: BAC Technology Supplier FPI, a precious support to our medical staff!

© Press Office BAC Technology